October Homeschool Days at the Ned Smith Center - Grades K-6

10/11/2023 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM ET


Discovery Series


  • $5.00


Ned Smith Center for Nature and Art
176 Water Company Road
Millersburg, PA 17061
Room Number: Lower Level


October Discovery Series: Homeschool Days at the Ned Smith Center
Grades K-6

October 11, 2023

$5.00 per participant (parents do not need to register/pay)

October Owls: Owls remain one of nature’s most elusive predators, rarely letting themselves be seen or heard by humans. During this program, students will learn all about owls and their adaptations for survival and have the opportunity to dissect an owl pellet!

Homeschool families are invited to join educators at the Ned Smith Center for a guided workshop, craft or walk! Each month from September to March will bring a new opportunity for learning and creativity with topics ranging from spring wildflowers to fall trees. Visit our website to see the scheduled list of program topics and descriptions. Registration is required to attend.


Neon CRM by Neon One